So, what am I thinking about today? This...
- How much I want a Christa Taylor dress.
- This analogy.
- Affirmative Action. I must write a four-minute speech about it before Friday.
- How discrimination is so cruelly unfair.
- How wonderful it would be if everyone knew Jesus.
- How nice it would be to get a blog makeover done by this person.
- Why I can't write poetry.
- How incredible Jane Austen's world of communication was.
- What it would be like to live in Hungary, where our church's missionaries are headed.
- Why I'm so terrible at photography.
- Why I didn't take art this year.
- How pointless I believe high school dances can be.
- Why it's so terrible to have to eat a meal with a plastic spoon, as some people seem to think it is.
- How lovely it would be to have someone come and do my laundry for me...and fold everything...and clean my room...
- How totally cool I'd be if I could sword fight.
- How blessed I am to have been born into this, my family.
- How neat it is to have five followers, compared to last week's two. :)
- Why songs get stuck in our heads and refuse to move out.
- How much pure fun it is to be in a play.
This picture was taken by my friend Melissa. Hence my thought today about being a terrible photographer, which I am. Melissa, however, is obviously not.