
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Back to School

So, school's almost started again. And I have to admit, at first I didn't exactly like the fact that every store takes the initiative to interrupt our tranquil summers with signs not-so-subtly poking fun at students. "Back-to-School Sale! Ha ha, you little scholars. You have to go back to homework! No more fun, no more, no more, hee hee hee!...."
But, seriously, I really actually enjoy school immensely. I don't always feel like this. It's the 'ol end-of-summer blues. Sigh. *Insert depressing jazz music here* I have had a great, relaxing, memorable summer, filled with great things, like:
  • Student Life Camp.
  • A trip to St. Louis.
  • Beginning blogging. :)
  • A super fun birthday celebration with some great friends.
  • A beautiful wedding. I love to dress up. :)
  • Some time with my family.

I do love summer, but school will be great. I love the clubs, the people, the day-to-day, and I do like homework, just not always in the moment. :) So, here's to school, the stepping stone of knowledge. Another year of learning. Sounds good to me.

1 comment:

Relyn Lawson said...

Happy back to school! May your year be blessed.