
Saturday, December 26, 2009

December 26

So, it's the day after Christmas. Mine was a beautiful one. I stayed home, and I talked with my family. I recieved beautiful presents wrapped in love, and I gave a some myself. Jesus Christ is born, and the hype is slowing down. Christmas candy is on sale, and the radio station that was playing Christmas music is now playing "positive, encouraging, and uplifting" music to "lift you out of the post-Christmas blues". Why is that? Because we're all sad that Christmas is over? That there's nothing to look forward too? That there's no more presents?! Well, get out of your Christmas blues by yourself, is what I say! Why be sad? Jesus is born! Our Savior is here! He's still alive, and he came and made it possible to live forever with the Creator of the Universe in paradise! Come ON!
Not only that, but its almost a new year! Yeah, yeah, sounds cliche, but I think nothing says fresh start like a new year on the calendar. New stuff to do, new stuff to use, a fresh start to look at things differently. I know what I'll be doing differently this year! How about you? Get up! Go outside! Christmas is every single day! We can celebrate the birth of Jesus every day! It doesn't have to come wrapped in shiny paper! "JOY to the world, the Lord is come! Let Earth recieve her King!..." It doesn't say anywhere in any Christmas carol that the joy stops on December 25. Happy Day After Christmas, everyone.

1 comment:

Jeffrey said...

I concur whole-heartedly! I love this post. Too easily we allow ourselves to sink into a malaise when we have nothing to be sad about and everything to cause us to rejoice!

Well said, Miss Elyse.