Fifteen things I saw in Washington, D.C., that made me smile on the inside.
bow ties
panty hose
hipster puppets
small black children
small asian children
old men smoking pipes
Catwoman's supercool outfit
dancing in front of the Smithsonian
a lot of frantic interns clutching Starbucks
grown (rather old) men in polka-dot shorts
thirty-year-old men learning how to use Twitter
people who you can tell feel like they are lookin' good
the second after a picture is taken when everyone relaxes
tears of happiness with, "I made it, Mom!"s rippling across a ballroom
watching all the people slowly nod off in their business attire on the train after a long day
Oh, I love this list. I love that you were wide-eyed and paying attention. You noticed wonderful, wonderful things. I am so glad you had this opportunity. Next year it will be even better. Yes?
SUCH a wonderful opportunity! I had a grand time. I certainly hope this will happen next year! That would be fantastic. This trip alone was amazing. D.C. was made for me. :)
Ooh, that sounds awesome. I laughed about "that second after a picture is taken when everyone relaxes". I love that moment! :)
I know it. It's like they all settle back into being themselves again.
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