Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Fatherly Advice
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Mama Lion
- Pinterest: Love. True, deep love. I've tried a hairstyle I've fallen in love with. It's easy, fast, and cool-looking...all three of those things are hard to come by with my hair.
- Play: We move from last year's Faith County to this year's The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon: surely the dumbest theatrical performance of all time and space. But it makes people laugh (including me - almost as hard to come by as the hairstyle) so what the heck?
- Music: Adele. Need I say more? Yes, I do need. I wish she would stop smoking. There, I said it.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
The Cycle of Depression
- Old movie marathons. Last year it was Doris Day.
- All the smells. Does cold air really smell like something? To me it does.
- And, of course, the Nativity. Nothing better.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Quotable Quotes
Thursday, October 13, 2011
- The house currently smells like meat. Good meat. Meat that will soon be consumed. By me.
- I am learning to make flowers out of tissue paper.
- Tutoring fifth graders has made the phrase, "Their eyes lit up," a reality. They really do light up.
- Captain America is going to be in another movie. I. Love. Captain. America.
- Pirate Pete: Talk Like a Pirate is my new storybook for storytelling this year. I get like a pirate.
- I enjoyed blog-surfing for about an hour tonight. So nice to poke around, after having been away for awhile!
au revoir.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Home is Where My Books Are
Monday, September 5, 2011
The Indians

Sunday, August 28, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
It's Almost Over
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Buckets Part Two
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Buckets Part One

- Serve tea.
- Be a bridesmaid.
- Plant windowboxes.
- Read by candlelight.
- Make an appointment.
- Ride a horse in Ireland.
- Yell from a mountaintop.
- Stay the night in a castle.
- Make someone believe I got a tattoo.
- Watch every movie the Academy has credited with Best Picture.
Friday, July 8, 2011
1. Grinding lemons in the garbage disposal.
2. Boys who wear Buddy Holly glasses.
3. Little kids with missing teeth.
4. Friends who bring you pizza.
5. The Secret Life of Bees.
6. Superman haircuts.
7. Re-reading books.
8. Lenny Kravitz.
9. Tennis fuzz.
10. Buttons.
Now then, here's why:
1. It's the original fresh scent. And it's strangely stress-relieving.
2. Because they're adorable. And they usually have a personality that matches their cool glasses.
3. Mostly because my little cousin has this condition right now. And he makes up stories about robots and projectors at age six, so of course I love him.
4. She showed up today with pictures of Chicago, a souvenir for me, and a cheese pizza. What's not to love?
5. One of my favorite lines: "How you have to breathe out and let the human heart be the puzzle it is." This is summer.
6. Because Superman is undoubtedly the best superhero ever. And the only one I'd want to save me if I were in dire trouble.
7. I'm reading Beauty again. And it's great.
8. My favorite song is "You Were In My Heart". And no one but the best uses lines like, "I know not what to do".
9. There's a whole bunch of it stuck to my tennis racket. And it's cute.
10. I bought a canvas purse with yellow birds on it. And then I decided to make it even better by pinning buttons on it. "Jazz It Up at the Dallas Art Museum", ruby slippers, and Phi Kappa Delta, whatever that is.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I {heart} It

Monday, June 20, 2011
You Go, Girl.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it may be neccessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye."
{the incredibly intelligent and classy Miss Piggy}
Thursday, June 2, 2011
bow ties
panty hose
hipster puppets
small black children
small asian children
old men smoking pipes
Catwoman's supercool outfit
dancing in front of the Smithsonian
a lot of frantic interns clutching Starbucks
grown (rather old) men in polka-dot shorts
thirty-year-old men learning how to use Twitter
people who you can tell feel like they are lookin' good
the second after a picture is taken when everyone relaxes
tears of happiness with, "I made it, Mom!"s rippling across a ballroom
watching all the people slowly nod off in their business attire on the train after a long day
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
The Promenade and Other Incredibly Important Things
- Tanning for prom is not (I repeat, NOT) a good idea, in my opinion. No offense. I personally just don't want to be orangeish and contract skin cancer.
- I will not be wearing feathers or flowers of any kind. Vintage look for me, please.
- Dancing is stupid.
- Okay, I take it back. I would gladly waltz, Jane-Austen-country-dance, Charleston, and jitterbug it up if dancing styles hadn't evolved. Too bad.
- In a small school like mine, prom is a big deal.
- It's becoming more and more clear to me now...just how odd high school relationships are. Dates and all that jazz have changed for so many in just a few weeks. Myself included. Huh! The mind is funny that way.
- How I, of all people, ended up on the prom committee...I have no idea.
- All things considered, I'm pretty excited. I have a pretty dress and sparkly jewelry, so I'm happy.
Now then, let's move on to more important topics, shall we?
- The American Lit class is watching The Great Gatsby. Hence all the classic-dance talk.
- I'm not going to miss the seniors as much as I did last year. My brain cells needn't be wasted on that.
- I think I'm in love with a song sung in...uh...Romanian, I think? Listen.
And now...
I, Elyse, am going to post a poem I have written myself. You read that right. Don't laugh, okay?
I had to. For Creative Writing. (Thanks a lot, Mr. Lawson.)
I don't have a title for it. Sorry.
Ahem. *insert clearing of throat sounds here*
Cowboys and Indians
Redcoats and rebels
Blacks and whites
Basses and trebles
Crystal clear
The end is near.
Smiles and frowns
Darkness and day
Kindness and cruelty
Work and play
With every tear
The end draws near.
Pencils and pens
Fingers and toes
Life and death
Open and close
Each new year
An end is clear
War and peace
Yours and mine
Finders and keepers
Rain and shine
Sorry, my dear
Your end is near.
I told you not to laugh. :)
Monday, April 18, 2011
Minstrel Man
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
No Auditions for Role Modeling

role model : noun : a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
five revelations from spring break
Thursday, March 10, 2011
i felt my life with both my hands
To see if it was there—
I held my spirit to the Glass,
To prove it possibler—
I turned my Being round and round
And paused at every pound
To ask the Owner's name—
For doubt, that I should know the Sound—
I judged my features—jarred my hair—
I pushed my dimples by, and waited—
If they—twinkled back—
Conviction might, of me—
I told myself, "Take Courage, Friend—
That—was a former time—
But we might learn to like the Heaven,
As well as our Old Home!"
-Emily Dickinson
Quite interesting, don't you think? I do like it. I'm sorry if it makes even less sense with all my font changes. Maybe some more Dickinson shall be in the near future...
Sunday, March 6, 2011
- I discovered Etsy. Oh. My. I think I'm in love. Here's one cute artist who inspires me to get a job, just so I can have money to buy her stuff.
- Have you ever seen The Romantics? If you haven't, don't. If you have, I feel your pain. Incredibly unsatisfying and strange, not to mention it sported the worst character development I've ever seen.
- As stated earlier, I competed in speech and debate districts. And also, as stated earlier, they went extremely well. If you happen to be looking for a wonderful children's story, Martina the Beautiful Cockroach is the best. It's treated me very well in storytelling this year.
- My high school had Homecoming. And I *sigh* went to the actual dance after the game. I sigh because I spent the entire evening selling soda in the concession stand. It might sound pathetic, but truthfully, I had a far better time bobbing my head with those folks rather than "dancing" out there.
- Rehearsals for the spring play are headed into high gear. Ever heard of Faith County? Neither had I. But it's funny, I get to be sarcastic the whole time, and there's a Porta Potty on the stage, so all is well.
- Emily Dickinson, I discovered, is great. This is coming from me. The poetry rebel. I checked out the 50-pound book of her entire collection of poetry. Though I was supposed to be writing an essay about her, I started losing track of time in that book. Those spastic dashes and lack of capitalization fascinate me. A Dickinson post is in order, I believe.
Yes, it seems that things are a bit less hectic now. Slowing down a tad.
Please don't forget to stop every once in awhile. Please.
Ah! My laundry is clean! Something else to do that's calming.
So, see you for the Dickinson post later this week?
Sounds fabulous. It's a date.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
yum and the story
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
On Pretty Things

The nook upstairs where all major decisions are made, books are read, and things are written me. The shade is a perfect filter of light in the morning.
The coolest jewelry ever...made out of typewriter keys.
"Cracker Crumb" paint on the walls of the living room.
Sundae's ears. In case you're wondering, that would be my dog.
Debate trophies.
My brother's face when he first plugged in the Xbox 360.
Clotheslines in the spring.
Lemon cookie boxes.
Kerosene lanterns.
Paul Newman.
Ireland in general.
Italy in general.
The little icon on my dashboard that says, "Followers".
Rocking chairs.
St. Louis.
My bookshelves.
Old notebooks from seventh grade.
Tennis ball fuzz.
Snow. (It's fallin' in abundance 'round these parts.)
Tom Cruise.
This adorable new blog I found.
Pretty much any old "cowboy" movie.
Octopus necklaces.
Ancient books.
Giant shuttlecocks in Kansas City.
My dear dedicated artist friend's work. (She sends me pictures of everything.)
Clean hair and the 'do that ensues.
Unsliced loaves of bread.
That picture above.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
On Hearing Things
- giggles
- Australian accents
- most Bon Jovi music
- heat kicking on in the house
- keychains
- a Mustang engine revving
- Gene Kelly's tap dancing
- "Claire de Lune"
- puffy golden prom dress
- dangly earrings
- Dad chopping wood out back
- any salon
- the music on A Series of Unfortunate Events
- "Such Great Heights"
- GPS voices
- Wal-Mart greeters
- theme song of "The Andy Griffith Show"
- my mother singing show tunes
- "Amazing Grace" on bagpipes
- heels clicking on linoleum
- "Stereo Love." Seriously, accordian music!
- Grandpa
- snow