
Sunday, February 28, 2010


So, what am I thinking about today? This...

  • How much I want a Christa Taylor dress.
  • This analogy.
  • Affirmative Action. I must write a four-minute speech about it before Friday.
  • How discrimination is so cruelly unfair.
  • How wonderful it would be if everyone knew Jesus.
  • How nice it would be to get a blog makeover done by this person.
  • Why I can't write poetry.
  • How incredible Jane Austen's world of communication was.
  • What it would be like to live in Hungary, where our church's missionaries are headed.
  • Why I'm so terrible at photography.
  • Why I didn't take art this year.
  • How pointless I believe high school dances can be.
  • Why it's so terrible to have to eat a meal with a plastic spoon, as some people seem to think it is.
  • How lovely it would be to have someone come and do my laundry for me...and fold everything...and clean my room...
  • How totally cool I'd be if I could sword fight.
  • How blessed I am to have been born into this, my family.
  • How neat it is to have five followers, compared to last week's two. :)
  • Why songs get stuck in our heads and refuse to move out.
  • How much pure fun it is to be in a play.

This picture was taken by my friend Melissa. Hence my thought today about being a terrible photographer, which I am. Melissa, however, is obviously not.

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Big Red Button

Follow this link...if you have some time and don't mind being taunted by a button. Maybe you've seen this before, but it's a lot of fun. Give it a shot! I spent fifteen minutes of my life with this thing. Was it worth it? No...but it made me smile.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Messy Yet Beautiful

It's been a long time, blog. Nice to be back. I took a break at the beginning of the year. Some prioritizing was necessary. So, for today, I have a post I drafted forever ago. Here goes...

When I'm old and gray, and I have a house of my own, I want to be the one with the fun house. Haven't you read a book about the mysterious old lady with the weird house? Somehow, it can then become a sanctuary for a lucky young person.
Yes, my house will have many rooms, each with it's own special personality. I want one room filled with bookshelves, and, having read each and every one of them, I'll invite others to do the same. We can sit and sip tea and talk about the hidden meanings in every story. Then I'll have a clean room, with pale teal walls and hand-made rugs with a million colors. It'll have a window that opens out into a beautiful garden and a wrought-iron bed with fresh white sheets. Oh, and then I'll have a memory room, filled from ceiling to floor just with things from the past. You know how much I'd love to be in a room like that? To be in the past, just for a moment? Ah, well. Next will be a writing room I keep all of my stories, and that's where they'll live.

Yes, when I'm old, I don't plan on being lonely. Loneliness is a choice. That's why I dream of having a house that's alive with stories and history, so that others who appreciate those things can enjoy them.